CHAVADA (chhavri or chhordi or chhori) DYNASTY-746 A.D TO 942 A.D

CHAVADA (chhavri or chhordi or chhori) DYNASTY-746 A.D TO 942 A.D The Chavda or Chawda or Chowra clan settled down in Gujarat and later Saurashtra. The first king of the Chavda Kingdom was Jayshikhari Chavda. Jayshikhari Chavda, whose capital city was at Panchasar in North Gujarat, was assassinated before his son Vanraj Chavda was born. Vanraj Chavda went on to be the most successful Chavda ruler, founding historical cities such as Anhilpur Patan and Champaner. There were five Chavda kings after Vanraj, the last of whom, Samantsinh Chavda, did not have any children. He adopted his nephew Mulraj Solankiwho overthrew him in 942 and set up what came to be known as the Solanki dynasty. Rulers of Chavada Dynasty Seven Kings in Chavada Dynasty Vanaraj: From V.S. 802 to V.S. 862 reigned for 60 years and died in V.S. 862. Yogaraj: Vanaraj was succeeded by his son Yogaraj in V.S. 862. He ruled for 35 years and at the age of 120 years stepped down the throne and died offering himself to fire....