Ch Rahmat Ali

Ch Rahmat Ali (RA) - Founder of Pakistan Even though 68 years have passed since his death, his writings about the dangers facing Muslims are as relevant today as they were then (truth always stands clear from error even over the passage of time). For instance, Ch. Rahmat Ali (RA) called for an Islamic Renaissance and in one pamphlet, he wrote: "Our greatest asset and opportunity is our Faith, which has created what we possess; it has made us what we are. That is, the emancipators of hundreds of millions of human beings. Islam has worked miracles for us in the past, and it can and will do the same for us now and always, if only we let it do so. Such is the promise of Islam. Yet such is our perversion that we are simply not following Islam. We are ignoring it in every sphere of life - individual, national, moral and material. Not only that, we are turning to alien, `Western' cults instead. That is, to cults that have already poisoned the source of our life, undermined the ...