GURJAR ISM words by Thakur Yashpal Singh Rajput



“It is beyond human power to lessen the dignity of the Gurjars”

, words by Thakur Yashpal Singh Rajput, famous historian and researcher of Indian History. Millions liters blood of Gurjar community flooded on this earth for protection of our culture and religion. It is bitter historical truth thatdifferent invaders committed mass assassinations of Gurjars and differentinvaders and foreign rulers snatched their lands and powers from them as Gurjar community always created resistance against foreign invaders and cruel rulers time to time for 1000 years right up to Revolt of 1857. During these resistances, they lost their powers, properties, and miserably came to end in British era. It is the beginning of deep pains of the poverty andcontinues until date that developed an inferiority complex in entire Gurjar community. It is always my subject matter to have brain storming, how to reinstate the prosperity of Gurjar community, how to show this community the days they were bearing in their past, how to create an accountability for their sacrifices that they did time to time for conservation of the Indian culture, for protecting mother earth and religion? We have to reinstate the Gurjar community to all the states that it was bearing in their past. If we go through the history of Gurjars then we find that they were having their own culture that still exists in Gurjar community, they have articulated social laws that are included in their culture. Then what is the wrong? I am not the one capable to make any comment upon such great community at once, but what I found is that, they have everything but there is lack of unity and an articulated intercommunity cooperation system! Yes, it is fact that they have great culture, capabilities and everything that an ideal noble community bears, but, due to absence of an intercommunity cooperation system, Gurjar community, the ruler of this territory, now laid behind time. They were rulers of maximum territory in India up to the revolt of 1857 but as all these statesdid not have any sort of unity mechanism, intercommunity cooperationsystem and coordination that weakened their power to fight against modern warfare of British. Due to this, their assets have been destroyed, purposefully kept away from development, their fertile lands have been snatched, their political importance have been degraded, created the circumstances that developed inferiority complex into them that ruined generations and once prosperous Gurjar community transformed into a poor community in India due to lack of intercommunity cooperation system. Now it is time to awaken the community and set for achieving whatever we lost in the past, now it is time to rectify all our mistakes that our forefathers have committed in past, now it is time to take care of the thing that everyone, even the Government machinery, should listen to our voice. How it is possible? Obviously, thequestion comes and the answer is Gurjar ISM, Gurjar IntercommunitySurvival Movement, is an initiative to reinstate Gurjar community’s Golden days as were in the past. Even though we call it a development process butas per my vision it is not only a development process but also it is a process of reinstating Gurjar community to the state and power at all levels that they were bearing in the past.

गु जर आई.एस.एम् . (गु जरीजम,यानी गुजरवाद)नाम से गु जर एकता ,अखंडता

आपसी सहयोिगता का यहसामािजक अिभयान क ेपीछ ेउ ेशय एकही ह ैकी भातभू िम की आन,बान औ ान की ा कन ेक ेिलए अपन ेसवरव

का बिलदान द ेन ेवाले इस महान समाज को अपना गत व ैभव ात क द ेना .गुजर ऐसी जाती ह ैजो आज भी अपनी पपाओं से पीछ ेनह

हटी ह ैऔ अपनी एक अलग पहचान आज भी यह जाती द ु िनया को द ेती ह ै, िफ वह कही भी हो िकसीभी हाल म हो,सा म हो,या सा से बाह हो,इस बात क ेमाण इितहास से लेक आजतक समय समय प गु जर समाज न ेिदए ह ैऔ द ेता भी ह ेगा |चेिचय ,क ु षाण ,ितहा, खटान का इितहास हो,या फी अंेज से उनका संघषर हो वह हमेा अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाए ह ु ए ह ै.सदा पट ेल का उदाहण हो,

या िफ िवजयिसंह पिथक का हो, इस जाती न ेाचीन काल से इस

द ेवभू िम की हमेाही सेवा की ह ैऔ आज भी क ही ह ै.

गुजर क े इितहास को िलखत ेसमय ज ैसे सदा पट ेल को भु लाया नह जा सकता , िवजयिसंह पिथक को नह भु लाया जा सकता ह ै,उसी तह समाज क ेिहत क ेिलए वत ंता आदोल नसे भी बड़ा आंदोलन इस भोगवादी समयमे िजहन ेखडा क िदखाया ,ऐसे गुजर समाज क ेमहानायक को भी नह भु लाया जा सकता औ वह नाम ह ैकनरल िकोड़ीिसंह ब ैसला गुजर.वह आज भी द े औ द ु िनया क ेसभी गु जर समाज क ेदय म िवाजमान ह ै.कनरल अपना वरमान ह ै, लेिकन क ु छ ऐसी बात इितहास को िलखत ेसमय िलखी गयी की मानो गुजर जाती का कही अितव ही नह ह ै,ऐसा महसू स होता ह ै,औ  आज भी व ही हाल ह ैकी इतनी भाी संया म सपू णर भातवषर म बसन ेक ेउपत भी ,

द ेभित िजनक े ग ग म थी औ ह ै, िजनक ेपुख न ेइस मातृभू िम की ा क ेिलए अपन ेाण का बिलदान िदया ,आज या हाल ह ै इस गुजर जाती का ?यह जाती आज भी सभी उप ेाओं का सामना क ही ह ै ज ैसी उहन ेमुसलामान क ेाज म सहन की , अंेज क ेासनकाल म सहन की .औ सबसे द ु भयपू णर बात तो यह ह ैकी िजहन ेअलग अलग समय म भात वषर म आय ेिववध आाताओं का साथ िदया , इस द े औ धमर से गाी की , अपनी संक ृ ित को तहस नहस कन ेम िजहन ेचंद लालच म आक िवद े िय का साथ िदया औ गुजर जाती को,यिक एक द ेभत जाती ह ैउसको मौत की खायी म ढक ेल िदया , िजहन ेगुजरकी उपजवू जमीन को गाी क उनसे छीन लीया,आज वह जाितय, वही गा क ेवािस,वाही गंदा खू न ,उनक ेही वािस अप न ेइस भातवषर प ाज क ह ेह ै.औ िजहन ेसमय समय प इस द ेऔ धमर को बचाया ,इस भातवषर की महान संक ृ ित को अपन ेाण की बिल द ेक बचाया औ समय प अपन े समान को बहान ेक ेिलएाण की भी आह ु ित द ेन ेक ेिलए उहन ेक ु छ भी कमी नह छोड़ी ऐसी गुजर जाती आज भी उप ेाओ का सामना क ही ह ै.यह कोई उकसान ेवाली बात नह बिक यह एक कडवा सच ह ैकी वत ं क ेपहले तो गुजर समाज िविवध आताओं औ बाद म अंेज से उनक े टकाव क ेकाण उप े ितही था ,लेिकन वत ंता िमलन ेक ेबाद वही हाल हा ह ैऔ आज इस द े को आजादी िमलान ेक े६० साल बाद भी यह समाज आज भी उप ेओं का िका ह ै.यह इस द े का द ु भय मान ेकी गु जर समाज का ,की उनक ेइतन ेबिलदान क ेबाद भी एक छोटासा आण उनको चािहए तो भात सका ऐसी िहचिकचा ही ह ैज ैसे यह सका गुजर समाज का इितहास जनाितही न हो इतनी ह ैवािनयत िकम क ेलोग सका म ब ैठ ेह ैकी िजन गु जर न ेइस द े,धमर औ संक ृ ित को बचान ेक ेिलए बिलदान िदया जब वही जाती चंद एक ाय म यादा गीबी क ेकाण आण की मग क ही ह ैतो उनको मा िदया जा हा ह ै, िदनदहाड़ ेउनका क़ल िकया जा हा ह ै,ज ैसा की अंेज औ बाकी सभी न ेिकया ,यह एक न ंगा सच ह ै.इसिलए महामा गधी न ेउस समय ायकतओं को काले अंेज औ इस पािलरयामटी ड ेमो े िटक िसटम को बझ व ेशया कहा ह ै.अग यह णाली व ेशया नह होती तो उन द ेभत वी जाती का संघ नह होता जो गुजर आंदोलन क ेदौान ाजथान म ह ु आ. द े औ द ु िनया क ेसमत गुजर समाज को हम यही ाथरना कत ेह ैकी हम गुजर समाज एक ऐसा समाज ह ैजो द ेिहत क ेिलए िजया ह ै,हम उप े ित ह ै, आज हमाा भात द े ऐसे गा क ेहाथ म ह ैजो की िदनदहाड़ ेइस द े को ब ेच ह ेह ै,यह हमको आगे बढ़न ेनह दगेयिक सा म व ही गा की औलाद ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो ो,व

ही गंदा खू न ब ैठा ह ैिजहन ेअपन ेद ेभत पु ख को अंजो औ व ि ििवधआताओं क ेहाथ मवाया ,हमाी अछी जमीन से हम खद ेडक हमा ेसमाज को िदन औ हीन अवथा को लाया ,यह लोग हमाा भला नह चाहगे,हम,हम गुजर को हमाा अपना ाता अपनाना पड़ ेगा .हम गुजर,

हमा ेआलावा कोई सका या समाज हमाा भला नह क सकता ,हम हमाा

ाता चुनना औ वह ाता चुनक अपन ेतीक ेसे खुदही अपना िवकास कना .एक ऐसे यवथा का िनमण काना जो अपनी खुद की हो

ऐसी गुजर यवथा का िनमण कना ह ै,हम एक द ू स ेको पू क यवथा का िनमण कना ह ै,औ यही ह ैसमय की मग.

हम गुजरयवथा ,गुजर णाली या िफ गुजरीजम का िनमण

कना ह ै,जो की िसफर समत गुजर जाती क ेउथान का ना ही नह बिक इसक ेजिय ेहम ह वह कोि कगे की समाज को अपन े

गत व ैभवाली िदन द ेखन ेको िमले. यह संभव ह ैजत ह ैएक आवाज मा द ेन ेकी



Gurjar, Gujar, Gajjar, Gujjar, Gojara, Gujaran, Gojar, Gujara etc and so manyto reckon are the names and attributes for Gurjar community, mentioningGurjar here, as I am Gurjar. As Gurjars are living since our culture exists and ruled over maximum territory of the Asia, they were the rulers thus have long, noble and pious history. If I put the entire history here that is not be appropriate as it is out of scope of this document as noble and dignified history of Gurjars cannot be framed into some thousands of pages but that requires millions of pages and one life is not sufficient for writing entire history of Gurjars. However, I consider it necessary to put some historical facts in front of my brothers and sisters, they are necessary and we all should read, understand those pages very carefully, and then think where wearer and what to do? What mistakes we have been committing? To whom, we, at this time, have to consider responsible for such drastic situation of Gurjar Community now days? I completed Engineering and was facing interview then an incident happened and I inspired from the incident. It was when Ihave to go to Mumbai; it was Bombay at the time, for competitiveexamination for the post of Engineer in Telecommunication Department.After finishing written exam, day after tomorrow was the oral examination. On the day of oral examination, I approached the office where the interview was organized. I saw a person passing by, he was Gurjar, I was in crowd, some meters away from him, I called loudly in our own Gurjari language, he stopped, but his bodily reaction was not fair. Even though I reached him asking all the routine questions in Gurjari language, he was calm not uttering single word. I confused, then he told me in pure Marathi to not to speak in Gurjari language. Anyway I finished talking with an oath in my mind to not to speak with that person again in life, continuing the oath until date. The incidence was simple but it had raised so many turbulences in my mind. Why he said me to speak into Marathi only? What are the reasons that developed inferiority complex in Gurjar community? Even when I was schooling I used to ask a question to myself every community is progressing why not Gurjars? Why Gurjars try to hide their caste? Why they do not speak their own Gurjari language in public? Why they hesitate to speak Gurjari Language? Gurjars have great population why they do not have remarkable influence on Indian politics. Why they are not in the main stream of Power and Politics? Who resist them to enter into the main stream? Why there are resisting them? Income of the constituencies Gurjars votes are influential and Gurjar can beeasily elected, then why Gurjar person doesn’t fight election from thatconstituency and rather to become slave of that MLA or MP why he himself come into political power? Why Gurjars do not have any media house yet? While the communities very small in population, not genetically sound,having no noble history at all to count them to be liable for ruling over anyconstituency, they are having a big marriage hall, Samaj Bhavan orcommunity hall? Another very dirty question that always makes me awake from the sleep is, other communities who do not have right history and if it is that have no connection with history of Gurjars, they are snatching our history from us and we are just in the role of audience. Why Gurjar do not protest such matters? Are we really sleeping or pretending to sleep?


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