Showing posts with label ch rahmat ali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ch rahmat ali. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Now or Never

Major world powers remained hell bent to promote their geo-political interests by playing one country off against the other from time to time, Both India and Pakistan have created highly nationalistic narratives of why their relations are troubled. Each side projects itself as pursuing the correct course of action and blames the other side for being responsible for conflict and tension in the region. On both sides, there are people and groups that have made careers out of preaching hatred against the other side. They have been socialised into a negative narrative about the other side and find it difficult to entertain the idea of normal relations between Pakistan and India. There is no scope for improvement of relations if India and Pakistan stay prisoners of history and cannot look beyond the historical baggage. Both sides will have to do some out-of-the-box thinking if their relations are to be normalised. They will have to address their blind spots if they want to resolve their bilateral problems. There is no solution of the Kashmir issue if both sides stick to their traditional positions: both r arguing that Kashmir is their integral part and Pakistan is also demanding that the future of Kashmir should be decided in accordance with the UN resolutions of 1948-49. They will have to find a solution through negotiations. Despite of all these facts, we Gujjars of the India and Pakistan r committed for peace. our love and care is live example can be seen in instant group. Unfortunately our talent is also ignored rather suppressed by anti gujjar elements. Today I am going to invite all members to discuss the one of our great hero Ch Rehmat Ali Who is credited with creating the name "Pakistan", is unfortunate to have not even two yards for grave in Pakistan, and is buried in Cambridge, UK. After the creation of Pakistan he returned to Pakistan in April 1948, planning to stay in this country, but he was ordered by the then Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan to leave the country. His belongings were confiscated, and he left empty-handed for England in October 1948.He died in February 1951 and was buried on 20 February at New market Road Cemetery, Cambridge, UK. Emmanuel College's Master, who had been Rehmat Ali's Tutor, himself arranged the burial in Cambridge on 20 February 1951. Ch Rehmat Ali was born on 16 November 1897, So on the occasion of his coming birthday, i invite all members to highlight his role as founder of movement for creation Pakistan and an author of a famous pamphlet titled "Now or Never

Monday 3 November 2014

Ch Rahmat Ali

Ch Rahmat Ali (RA) - Founder of Pakistan

Even though 68 years have passed since his death, his writings about the dangers facing Muslims are as relevant today as they were then (truth always stands clear from error even over the passage of time). For instance, Ch. Rahmat Ali (RA) called for an Islamic Renaissance and in one pamphlet, he wrote:
"Our greatest asset and opportunity is our Faith, which has created what we possess; it has made us what we are. That is, the emancipators of hundreds of millions of human beings. Islam has worked miracles for us in the past, and it can and will do the same for us now and always, if only we let it do so.

Such is the promise of Islam. Yet such is our perversion that we are simply not following Islam. We are ignoring it in every sphere of life - individual, national, moral and material. Not only that, we are turning to alien, `Western' cults instead. That is, to cults that have already poisoned the source of our life, undermined the basis of our beliefs, and weakened the bonds uniting our Fraternity; and that means to detach us from Islam and attach us to `Westernism' and thereby finish Islam which, owing to its values and verities, is their most serious rival for the allegiance of mankind.

It is clear that our neglect of Islam for other cults is a form of apostasy. Indeed it is an act of enmity against Islam. For remember, nothing so degrades and destroys a religion as its neglect by its own followers. It is just that neglect which has killed most of the old creeds and faiths of mankind. That is how by our failure to follow Islam we are acting as its enemies and frustrating its whole mission in the world.

It is imperative therefore, that, if we want to live as Muslims, save our heritage, reunite with our Pak brethren in Afghanistan, Central Asia and Iran, and see Islam flourish in the world, we must change. We must shun alien cults; we must revert to Islam. In other words, we must follow its code in thought, in word, and in action."