Titles of Gujjar
*****Rana, Rao, Rawal and Rawar etc were the title of the Gujars only. In Ain-e-Akhbari a list of all Rajput leaders is given but not a single one has been described as Rana or Rao. Only Mann Singh is written as Raja Man Singh, but the tittle Raja was not limited to the Rajput only. Birbal Brahman has also been mentioned as Raja Birbal (Tarikh-e-Farishata written in the time of Jahangir). There is no mention of a Rajput with a title of Rana or Rao. Only Partap is written as Rana Partap, but Rana Partap was not a Rajputra, he was a pure Gurjar belonging to Guhilot family. Gohilots were of shoot of maitrikas. The Maimatrias and Gohilots were undoubtedly Gurjars. Historians know that after the desctruction of the Royal Gohilot family of Chittor in 1330 A.D., the Gohilots of Sisod emerged in History and Hamir by force took over Chittor back from its new officer-in-charge of the foreign Muslims.*****Similarly, the existing towns Navrana, Kai Rana, Khand Rao Wali, Rana Majra, Tup Rana and Mand Rana are the contemporary evidences of the past that Rana, Rao, Rawal and Rawar etc were the title of the Gujars only.
In Gwalior, the Gujars have always been called as Rana. In the 15th Century A.D. there was Bagh Rao a Gujar of Gothan village (Ojha page 190). In Ain-e-Akhbari a list of all Rajput leaders is given but not a single one has been described as Rana or Rao.** The names of some towns and villages of the Chauhan Gurjars which they found in the 14th Century A.D. after migration from Ranthambhore to this place are as follews: Kandela, Panjeeth, Panjokhara, Gandraon, Khargaon. Balwah, Mandwar (Mandvyavar), Jhanjhana town (Jhunijhuno), Badoli a town, (Bardoli), Assar pur (Airpur) Paoti, Sanathi, Mand Rana (Mandu), Bhadar Staana (Satyana) etc.
The same names of the old towns and villages may be seen in the old Gurjar Desa (Present western Rajasthan). By the above description I means to say: As the existing Gujrat in Mardan, Gujrat on Chenab, Gujrat in Muzaffar Garh, Gujrat- Saharanpur (1857), Gujar Dhar in Gwalior and Gujrat Kathiawar show the expansion of Gujar kingdom. Similarly, the existing towns Navrana, Kai Rana, Khand Rao Wali, Rana Majra, Tup Rana and Mand Rana are the contemporary evidences of the past that Rana, Rao, Rawal and Rawar etc were the title of the Gujars only.
In Gwalior, the Gujars have always been called as Rana. In the 15th Century A.D. there was Bagh Rao a Gujar of Gothan village (Ojha page 190). In Ain-e-Akhbari a list of all Rajput leaders is given but not a single one has been described as Rana or Rao. Only Mann Singh is written as Raja Man Singh, but the tittle Raja was not limited to the Rajput only. Birbal Brahman has also been mentioned as Raja Birbal (Tarikh-e-Farishata written in the time of Jahangir). There is no mention of a Rajput with a title of Rana or Rao. Only Partap is written as Rana Partap, but Rana Partap was not a Rajputra, he was a pure Gurjar belonging to Guhilot family. Gohilots were of shoot of maitrikas. The Maimatrias and Gohilots were undoubtedly Gurjars. Historians know that after the desctruction of the Royal Gohilot family of Chittor in 1330 A.D., the Gohilots of Sisod emerged in History and Hamir by force took over Chittor back from its new officer-in-charge of the foreign Muslims.
Hamir’s line was afterwards called Sisodia because Hamir came from Sisod. In his line Rana Pratap who died in 1596 A.D. was the last Gurjar. After his death the family was linked in materimonial relations with the Rajputs and now the family is known as Rajput. But it is not strange. One Abdul Ghafoor Khatana, a Gujar, became the Ruler of Swat in 19th Centry A.D. His sons surrounded on all sides by the Pathan Rulers were married in Pathan families and now the family is called Pathan (see Shahan-e-Gujar and Report on Tribes of Dir, Swat and Chitral by Captain A.H. MacMohan page 24).
Secondly, by the above facts, I mean to explain when the Gurjars, migrated, Brahman, Vaish and Sudras accompanied their Yajmans, in words of Honourable K.M. Munshi they were Gurjar Kshatriyas, Gurjar Brahman. Gurjar Vaish and Gurjar Sudras ie natives of Gurjar (country). But the Brahman, Vaish and Sudra were called simply Brahman, Visha Sudra. Similar position exists today also. There is a reference that the ruler of Bengal defeated Dravid. Hun and Gurjar. Mr K.M.Munshi says Dravid and Hun are the names of tribes but Gurjar is the name of a country. Mr. Ojha proceeded a step further. Only one example is quoted here. In the old book Prithvi Raj Vijai, Sarg 5, verse 78 is given like this, Jigai Gurjar Karn tomashanv prapt Maalava.
N.B: The Book Tarikh-e-Landhora, in which there is mention of Mand Rana was written by Harnam Singh, Khatri of Landhora. He was married at Kai Rana. He was a Civil Engineer at Ajmer where the book was published in 1876 A.D.
In the old book Prithvi Raj Vijai, sarg 5 verse 78is given like this Jigai Gurjar Karn tomashanv Prapt Maalava.
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